Woeful WasteWorld, a 'Clouded' Video Game

Preview, Clouded Ambitions, Gamer Mystery Novel

Woeful WasteWorld: Within a hundred miles of Transylvania, the zombies were replaced by vampires and occasional werewolves. These new obstacles didn't come in the numbers the zombies had, but if Bernard hadn't been ready (he had already been killed and re-spawned several times), he wouldn't have made it this far.

You see, vampires being dead, after all, were not easy to kill—until you learned to buy silver bullets.

And while werewolves were far and few between, when one did attack, it could do a lot of damage before you got off the four or five rounds needed to kill the thing.

But Bernard discovered a trick, and it was a delightful one: 

Among the various supplies players could buy with their “coffers”—the virtual money they collected in the game—he noticed among such things as dynamite and bazookas and shoulder-fired missiles, were inexpensive bags of live kittens.

And sure enough, even if a werewolf was already pouncing at you at full speed, even if the beast could taste your blood in the back of its throat, all you had to do was press a few buttons on your controller and your avatar would throw a cute, furry kitten in the air—and the werewolf would go nuts chasing after the poor thing, and never return to attack you.

This was the sort of thing Patricia would complain about. She would say it was cruel to throw innocent kittens about as weapons.

But on this morning Patricia couldn't complain. On this morning his cellphones were silenced, his door was bolted and blocked by a dresser, so no one could interrupt him. And his virtual pockets were loaded with silver bullets and adorable yet tasty kittens.

Tragically, neither would be ample weaponry to handle the first avatar he came across, not an AI but one controlled by a real person, or so the game indicated.

“Stay out of the way or die!” Bernard challenged the intruder.

“Log off and come to room 2202,” the avatar responded in a voice that clearly was Patricia’s. “Or I’ll shoot you. You wouldn't want to lose all this progress you made, would you?”

How the hell had she gotten this far? How had she found him?

Read more in Clouded Ambitions, the sequel to Flying the Coop: The Video Game Mystery Novel.

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Woeful WasteWorld, a 'Clouded' Video Game

Woeful WasteWorld: Within a hundred miles of Transylvania, the zombies were replaced by vampires and occasional werewolves. These new obstacles didn't come in the numbers the zombies had, but if Bernard hadn't been ready (he had already been killed and re-spawned several times), he wouldn't have made it this far. You see, vampires being dead, after all, were not easy to kill—until you learned to buy silver bullets.

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It was getting late as Patricia and Chen made their way out of the mall, but Patricia had promised to find some sightseeing for Chen. Walking to their rental car, she took out a list of sights O’Brian had given her, hoping to find somewhere worth stopping on the way back to the Pendrite.

"Wo zhende buliaojie tade zhao ben (I really don’t understand the story),” Guo Shangzhen complained, and judging by the agreeing murmur echoing through the room, his colleagues were equally confused. Oh, the project was intriguing. They were creating rooms and halls, as they would be for any video game project, but the plans called for novel features—audio and temperature sensors, as well as cameras built into the ceilings, the walls, and even the floors in some places.

Read more.

The mystery genre has proven to be among the most versatile, mixing easily with different time periods and settings, as well as with other genres. The Gourmet Gamer Mysteries, Flying the Coop and Clouded Ambitions, bring the mystery genre into the world of video game developers and venture capitalists, where the same technology that is used to create our favorite video games is used to hunt down brick-and-mortar murderers.

Video Games Meet Murder 2: Gamer Mysteries and Mystery Games

The mystery pops up in numerous genres. It proved a staple for science fiction classics, in print and film, and it has crept into animated features, comic books, and more. It also finds a natural fit with video games, whether it's authors seeking new turf for an intense murder investigation or game designers who see the thrill in a good whodunit.

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